Roxana Lili Roque Flores, Ph.D.
Dr. Roxana Lili Roque Flores obtained her Bachelor of Pharmacy from the Catholic University of Santa Maria in Peru. She received both her Master and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Major in Pharmaceutical Drugs) degrees from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Dr. Roque was part of the Doctorate Sandwich Program at the University of São Paulo, which allowed her to visit and carry out her research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy from 2015 to 2016. In Madison, she worked mainly on solid-state chemistry, crystallization procedure, phase transitions in crystalline solids, structural characterization of small molecule drugs, and pre-formulation studies. Prior to graduate school, she completed her Pharmacy Internship at Honorio Delgado Regional Hospital and subsequently worked as a Hospital Pharmacist at the III Naval Base Marine Force, both in Peru.
Dr. Roque spent about five years in the pharmaceutical industry, both in Peru and Brazil, working in the area of research and development of pharmaceutical drugs (pre-formulation and formulation studies). In 2019, she joined Concytec (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica), Peru, as a researcher.
Recently, Dr. Roque joined to Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics as a postdoctoral research associate, where her research will focus on particle engineering to formulate and manufacture specialized oral dosage forms.
During her free time, Dr. Roque enjoys cooking Peruvian food, a skill she learned since she was a child. She shares the opinion of her supervisor Dr. Hiew, that “a formulation scientist should be a good cook”.